Wednesday, December 25, 2019

William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1176 Words

Love can be defined in many ways to many different people. It can be affected by their past experience, a romance novel they’ve read, or a love between two individuals they look up to. To most people it’s something they strive to experience, no matter the obstacles, heartbreak, or baggage that comes with it. Not too long ago I read an article about whether love is a choice or more than a feeling and it really made me wonder; wonder how can we tell if it is true love and when we’re ready for it. It lead me to ask the question, did Romeo and Juliet really love each other? Or was it just a simple feeling of lust? As a teenager you’re practically smothered in romanticism wherever you go. Whether it’s your relatives and their spouse, the†¦show more content†¦Although love can be astonishing, it can be hurtful and negative if not treated the right way. Love can hurt someone mentally and physically because it’s such an overwhelming feeling that can cloud our judgement. Sometimes the choice of loving someone comes with regrets and inhumane decisions. A person may close themselves off from past experiences that come with a worry or should I let someone in? I’ve never actually experienced Pragma Love (long standing love), but I’ve witnessed the effects of divorce or when the feelings just aren’t mutual. I think love is a risky choice people take and the response we get from it can either be good or bad. In all, my definition of love is caring for someone so strongly that you’d never give up on them. Love is putting yourself after them in any situation. It’s a practice, something we learn to give and receive, depending on how open our heart is; we can be our natural self and not worry if we’re doing something wrong or if they won’t like me. We can dress down, act ditzy, and become the crabbiest person in the world and they could care less. When you’re having a bad da y or you’re thinking of a regrettable action they erase that negatively and place positivity inside. Giving things up isn’t so easy, but when you need to do it for them you accept that and realize they need to be happy also. Love is letting yourself be happy when others say you

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