Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Reflection Paper On Psychology And Psychology - 1094 Words

Taking Introduction to Psychology has given me the opportunity to examine myself. As I learned about concepts in class I found myself asking, â€Å"How does this apply to my life?† Soon, I grew cognizant that the curriculum was not a study in psychological diseases or a discussion of the abstract subconscious. It was exposure to constructs affecting my daily emotions, thoughts, and stresses. The areas of Psychology that push me toward my future goals and explain who I am today are my nurture, growth mindset, and motivation. Seeking to make sense of my past, present and future, this essay was written. From the point of view of an outside observer, it is understandable one may not understand the childhood that has had a profound impact in my later years. My parents are the two people I trust most in the world. This will change, inevitably, but I have a great deal of respect for how they brought my brothers and me into the world. One must first understand the distant personality’s who raised me. My father is a hard worker who has a compulsion to stay busy. My mother encourages learning new things and individuality. Both are religious and exhibit good values and dedication. I love what my parents have done to provide a stable life. They have given me what I’ve needed, yet fostered an environment where I have to work for what I want to achieve. I’m thankful that things are not handed to me. Science suggests many of my parent’s traits are inside me. Through the class, I have beenShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Psychology And Psychology950 Words   |   4 PagesReflection Paper #2 In this second unit of Psychology, it was fascinating to focus in on how we as humans learn behaviors, and what can cause us to each function differently in similar situations. 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