Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizational Behavior International Dimensions of Management

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Behavior for International Dimensions of Management. Answer: Introduction Organizational Behavior is actually the study of the way or the approach with the help of which people mainly communicate within the groups (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). This particular study is normally applied in an attempt for creating more efficient organizations of business (Robbins 2013). In the context of the organizational behavior, job performance as well as the personality is interrelated with each other (Mohr 2012). In other hand, this relationship has huge applications in the organizational behavior (Organ 2015). Therefore, this entire discussion mainly aims to discuss both of the two aspects of the organizational behavior such as the personality and job performance. Apart from that, this study also aims to carry out the deployment of the relationship between both of the two organizational behavior aspects. On the other, after the implementation of the relationship between both the two terms, the application of this relationship between the two factors for the leaders and the other employees is also aimed to portray in this study in the context of maintaining proper organizational culture. Discussion and Analysis Personality Personality is mainly the set of the individual differences those are influenced by the development of an individual such as skills, habits, social relationships, personal memories, attitudes as well as values (Adler and Gundersen 2016). Personality can be defined in several ways based on the fact whether people aim on the individual or people in general (Greenberg and Baron 2013). The personality can be defined in terms of the individual differences, if people in general are focused that is the range of different thought process, different style of acting as well as feeling (Barrick and Mount 2015). Most important fact in regards to the personality in the organizational behavior is that the style of personality of a particular individual is simply the principle of organizing of that particular person (Judge et al., 2016). There are few major fundamental characteristics of the personality in terms of the organizational behavior (Hunter 2016). These are as follows: Consistency It is a very simple fact that there is usually an identifiable regularity as well as order to the behaviors of people (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). People in organizations in general act in the similar manners with various circumstances or situations (Covin and Slevin 2012). Physiological as well as psychological personality is the psychological construct (Hunter and Hunter 2014). On the other hand, however, it can be suggested by the researches that it is also affected with the help of the biological needs as well as processes (Mischel 2013). Personality influences the actions as well as behaviors one of the most important facts regarding the personality are that it does not only impact how people move as well as respond in their work environment (Buss and Plomin 2014). Personality also helps people for acting in some specific avenues (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). Several expressions Personality can be shown in more than only the behavior. It can also be observed in the close relationships, feelings, thoughts as well as other s0ocial interactions of people (Covin and Slevin 2012). Five Factor Model of Personality the personality model as well as five factor model of personality is the psychology framework of businesses that can help in order to analyze a particular stakeholder across the openness to the dependability (contentiousness), agreeableness, extroversion, emotional stability (neuroticism) as well as experience (Robbins 2013). Every stakeholder as well as each individual is scored against these five factors of personality (Mohr 2012). The score is therefore analyzed based on the outcome; one could manage their behavior as well as actions for addressing the personality and requirements of the stakeholder as well. This particular analysis on the five factor model of personality can also be completed on one self (Organ 2015). Figure 1: Five factor model of personality (Source: Barrick and Mount 2015, pp 22) Job Performance The job performance can successfully make an assessment whether an individual can perform a particular job very well (Judge et al., 2016). The job performance has been studied academically as the part of the organizational as well as industrial psychology and it can also generate a segment of the human resource management (Hunter 2016). Job performance is one of the most important criterions for the outcomes of the organizations as well as organizational success (Hunter and Hunter 2014). The individual job performance is about the high relevance for the individuals as well as the organizations alike (Mischel 2013). Showing high performance in doing a particular job at the time of accomplishing the tasks can result in the feelings and satisfaction in self-mastery as well as efficacy (Buss and Plomin 2014). The major goal of the job performance is that the job performance is needed to be relevant to the goal (Buss and Plomin 2014). The job performance has to be directed to the objectiv es of the organizations those are convenient to the role or the job offered to the employees (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). Task Performance It mostly covers the contribution of a particular employee towards the organizational performance as well as refers to the actions those are the part of the formal reward system (Covin and Slevin 2012). It contributes indirectly to the performance of an organization by making facilitation of the task performance (Robbins 2013). There are five factors of the task performance (Mohr 2012). These are the proficiency of the job-specific task, Proficiency of the non-job-specific task, Oral as well as written communication proficiency, Super-vision in case of the position of leadership as well as Administration or management (Organ 2015). Contextual Performance It is comprised of the behavior that does not contribute directly to the performance of the organization but supports the psychological, social as well as organizational environment (Adler and Gundersen 2016). The contextual performance is comprised of five key components (Greenberg and Baron 2013). These are the altruism or helping others, sportsmanship, courtesy, civic virtue as well as conscientiousness (Barrick and Mount 2015). Adaptive Performance there are eight major dimensions of the adaptive performance (Judge et al., 2016). The crisis situations or the handling emergencies are the prime dimension of adaptive performance (Hunter 2016). On the other hand, managing the work stress and creatively solving problems are another two very important dimensions of adaptive performance (Hunter and Hunter 2014). Apart from that, dealing with the unpredictable as well as uncertain situations of work, learning the work tasks, procedures as well as technologies, demonstrating cultural adaptability, interpersonal adaptability and physically oriented adaptability are the other key dimensions of adaptive performance (Mischel 2013). Relationship between the Personality and Job Performance Personality as well as the job performance is interrelated with each other (Buss and Plomin 2014). These two facts are interconnected with each other in such a way so that it can easily be said that both the two terms are directly proportional with each other (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). The relationship between the job performance as well as the personality has been a frequently or randomly studied subject in the industrial psychology in the past century (Covin and Slevin 2012). First of all, the job performance is the multi-dimensional construct that is able to indicate how well the workers can perform their jobs, the resourcefulness they show, the initiative they take in order to solve issues (Robbins 2013). In addition, it also signifies the extent to that they can complete the tasks, the way the employees use their present resources as well as the time and the energy they spend on the tasks of them (Mohr 2012). The job performance can be influenced by with the help of the situat ional factors like the co-workers, the organization as well as the characteristics of the job and by the dispositional factors (Organ 2015). The dispositional variables can easily be described as the motives, preferences, attitudes, needs as well as the characteristics those result in the tendency for reacting to the situations in the predetermined fashion (Adler and Gundersen 2016). On the other hand, the job performance is affected by the affective temperament, locus of control, self-regard, need for achievement, aptitude as well as the interaction among these constructs (Adler and Gundersen 2016). The traditional industrial psychologists have raised question regarding utility of the measures of personality in order to predict the criteria related to the jobs, because of the pessimistic conclusions regarding the previous reviews of the subject and the concerns as well that most of the measures of personality are faked (Barrick and Mount 2015). Nevertheless, evidence can give the suggestion that the measures of the personality are the valid as well proper predictors of the diverse criteria related to the jobs (Judge et al., 2016). The measures of the personality dont typically have an adverse influence on the disadvantaged workers unlike several measures of the cognitive ability (Hunter 2016). Therefore, it can easily enhance the fairness in the decisions of the personnel (Hunter and Hunter 2014). The large scale of the research by utilizing the data from the tens among the thousands of workers on the relationship between the job performance as well as Big Five Personality has got the fact that specific personality traits predict significantly the performance of the job (Mischel 2013). Such findings or the results can give the evidence that can support the personality utility in the selection of the employee in several categories of jobs (Buss and Plomin 2014). These are as follows: Sales conscientiousness is the best predictor for the future performance in the positions for sales followed by the extraversion (Hersey and Blanchard 2014). Customer service In this case, the conscientiousness has also been proven as the best predictor (Covin and Slevin 2012). On the other hand, openness as well as agreeableness to the experience is correlated also with the job performance of the customer service (Robbins 2013). The agreeableness, emotional stability as well as conscientiousness are significantly based on the productivity while looking particularly at the employees of the call centers (Mohr 2012). Therefore, this kind of unusual mix signifies a complicated pattern for the personality for the jobs that can involve the demanding or the complicated interpersonal communications (Organ 2015). Semi-skilled and skilled In this scenario, conscientiousness has also been once again proven against the most potential predictor (Greenberg and Baron 2013). It is mainly followed by the emotional stability that is lower but significant as well (Barrick and Mount 2015). Professional the conscientiousness is the only big five trait regarding the professional occupations that can predict significantly the performance (Judge et al., 2016). Leadership It can be thought bin two respective ways. One is how the workers emerge as the leaders as people have to start somewhere. The other way is how the employees perform once the employees have the responsibilities of the managers (Hunter 2016). Extraversion as well as consciousness are associated strongly with the emergence of the leadership as well as less strongly but significantly associated with the effectiveness of the leadership and the managerial performance (Buss and Plomin 2014). On the other hand, in other words, these particular traits can help employees get noticed as leaders but they are less essential once an employee is already in a leadership position. It is likely as of the context-specific as well as complex nature of the roles of leadership (Mischel 2013). Different personality traits as well as the sets of skills are required as even one moves up from the supervisor to the mid-level to the executive level leader. Application of the Relationship between the Job Performance and the Personality over the Organizations The relationship between the job performance as well as the personality of the employees can create a huge impact over the organizational culture in terms of the organizational behavior of a particular company (Judge et al., 2016). Numerous scholars as well as the leaders in the organizations should focus on the better understanding on the relationship between the personality as well as the job performance. Bothe of the job performance and personality are directly proportional to each other (Korschun, Bhattacharya and Swain 2014). On the other hand, the job performance can easily be measured in terms of the personality measurement. This is because, while a certain employee is able to keep a good personality as per the corporate culture therefore, the employee can be expected to give a well-job performance (Organ 2015). Thus, by applying this particular understanding, an important fact can easily be implemented that while the employees are able to keep a good personality thus, their j ob performance can be enhanced and with the help of the enhanced job performance, the overall organizational performance can be increased. Conclusion This particular study has mainly shed light on the significance of the job performance as well as the personality in regards to the context of the organizational behavior. Therefore, this discussion is not only limited within the illustration on the illustration on the job performance as well as the personality but this discussion has successfully portrayed the relationship between the job performance as well as the personality. With the help of the entire discussion made on the aspect of the organizational behavior, it can easily be stated that the established relationship between the job performance and the personality has a significant application on the organizational culture of the organizations all over the world. On the other hand, the understanding of the relationship of the personality as well as job performance and the application of this relationship can easily help the leaders as well as the other employees to give their best job performance towards their enterprises. Thu s, with the help of the enhanced job performance given by the employees and the leaders, the enhancement in the productivity of the companies can be expected. Thus, the organizations should be aware of the proper implementation of the clear understanding regarding these important facts discussed in this study among the employees so that the companies can ultimately get the benefit. Reference List Adler, N.J. and Gundersen, A., 2016.International dimensions of organizational behavior. Cengage Learning. Barrick, M.R. and Mount, M.K., 2015. The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a metaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ analysis.Personnel psychology,44(1), pp.1-26. Buss, A.H. and Plomin, R., 2014.Temperament (PLE: Emotion): Early Developing Personality Traits(Vol. 3). Psychology Press. Covin, J.G. and Slevin, D.P., 2012. A conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior.Entrepreneurship theory and practice,16(1), pp.7-25. Greenberg, J. and Baron, R.A., 2013.Behavior in organizations: Understanding and managing the human side of work. Pearson College Division. 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