Monday, January 27, 2020

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication In The Workplace

Verbal And Nonverbal Communication In The Workplace In an organization good communication is very important to have a good quality of understanding with each other and to have an excellence of connecting with your colleagues. In communication, we have a choice of expressing ourselves whether we use verbal communication and nonverbal communication or we can use written communication. In verbal communication and nonverbal communication we express ourselves personally. We can communicate directly to the person we want to talk to. In written communication, you can use this if you have a doubt or shyness to talk directly to that particular person. Especially when you want to communicate to your employer or a higher position than you, you should not directly talk to them. You can only write a letter to let them know what your opinion is or what is inside your mind. This process is currently carried out in mostly larger organization. 1.1 BODY: Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are more important today than written communication. I definitely disagree with this. Though verbal and nonverbal are important, written communication for me is more important. Nowadays there are lots of ways to communicate with others like web cam, video call, video conferencing, Skype and so on. In this way some employees can communicate to their supervisors easily but they do not even think that one incorrect word can make their conversation goes wrong. For me, written communications is still the best way to communicate with your supervisors. In written communication you can think what is the best way or word that cannot hurt or insult your colleagues. Some people do not have a consideration of who they are talking to. Some just express whatever is inside their mind not knowing that someone is being offended. Written communications control the quality and are stored for future reference. Written communication necessitates conduction of message in black and white. It mostly consists of diagrams, pictures, graphs, etc. Policies, rules, orders, instructions and agreements have to be expressed in written form for correct functioning of the organization. Written communication assures that everyone involved has the same information. It gives a long-term record of communication for upcoming future. Written directions are necessary when the action called for is essential and complex. To be effective, written communication should be comprehensible, brief, straightforward and complete. Written communication is very normal in business situations, so it is essential for small business owners and managers to increase effective written communication skills. Some of the forms of written communication that are used within business functions include memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail. Examples of written communication opportunities natu rally pursued with clients, vendors, and other members of the business community, in the meantime, include electronic mail, Internet Web sites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases. 1.1.1 Some Types of Written Communication in an Organization: Memorandum or memos is a file or other communication that helps the memory by documenting events or inspections on a topic, such as may be used in a business office. Memorandum may have any layout, or it may have a design specific to an office or institution. In law particularly, a memorandum is a document of the terms of a operation or agreement, such as a policy memo, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement, or memorandum of association. If the user is a associate, the format is usually much more adaptable. At its most basic level, a memorandum can be a handwritten note to ones supervisor. Annual report is an inclusive report on a companys performance all through the preceding year. Annual reports are proposed to give shareholders and other interested people information about the companys actions and financial occurrence. Most fields require companies to organize and disclose annual reports, and several need the annual report to be recorded at the companys registry. Companies listed on a stock exchange are also required to report at more numerous times. Business letter is a letter written in proper language, usually used when writing from one business association to another, or for connection between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The general style of letter will depend on the connection between the parties concerned. Business proposal is a written proposal from a seller to a potential buyer. Business proposals are often a first step in the complicated sales process. For example whenever a buyer considers more than price in a purchase. Business proposals have three distinct categories. These are formally solicited, informally solicited and unsolicited. A proposal puts the customers requests in a situation that favours the sellers products and services, and educates the customer about the potentials of the seller in satisfying their requirements. A successful proposal results in a sale, where both parties get what they want, a win to win position. Bulletin Board System is a computer system running software that acknowledge users to join and log into the system using a station program. Once logged in, a user can execute functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users, both through electronic mail or in public message boards. Many bulletin board systems are also on-line, in which users can connect with each other, and bulletin board systems with multiple phone lines frequently offer chat rooms, allowing users to network with each other. 1.1.2 The Advantages of Written Communications Are: It ensures transmission of information in uniform manner. It provides a permanent record of communication for future reference. It is an idealistic way of conveying long messages. It ensures little risk of unauthorized alteration in the message. It tends to be comprehensive, obvious and accurate. It is well suited to express messages to a large number of persons at the same time. It can be quoted as legal evidence in case of any disputes. Policy matters, service conditions, restricted orders and commands and many other communications can be successfully and pleasingly communicated only through written communication because they are essential for future reference so that crucial action may be taken against the subordinates who fail to follow the communication. It can be used as proof if any disagreement arises, avoiding unnecessary disputes. When the sender and the receiver are at far points, even afar telephonic range, written communication maybe the only form of communication. Writt en communication is the only way out in such cases where the message is too long and designed for a large number of persons. Written communication gives extra time to the receiver to think, evaluate, and then make a decision upon the accurate course of action. Written communication is more arranged, and it is compulsory upon the subordinates and their superiors. Written communication becomes important to deliver onto others, exact and precise information. While writing a message, unnecessary words and all possible mistakes can be avoided to make a point. Written communication can support the communication flow because it is documented information that can be consigned back to if needed. It can be photocopied and passed on in accurately the same set-up to more than one person. This is very helpful for a company when it requires making sure that all employees get the same message. 1.2 CONCLUSION: I therefore conclude that written communication is more important than verbal communication and nonverbal communication, although these two are also important in communication. Written communication is crucial in every organization. Employees can communicate with their employer through written communications. They can think properly on what they will write on the letter to express their own ideas to improve the organizations performance. However your letter will go through a lot of levels first before your employer can receive it. For example it will go through first to your supervisor or manager before it goes to your employer. Written communication is an essential way to communicate with your colleagues, for example you can chat with them without seeing their webcam or through emails. You can think before you type what you wanted to say. You can read what you type first before sending the message. This is also a very good way for shy individuals to communicate with their friends. T hey can express more clearly their thoughts than to communicate personally. Even for me, I still prefer using written communication than verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Even though I am not shy to communicate personally I am more confident with my words through written communication. I can think clearly and can express properly how to communicate my thoughts to others. 2.0 INTRODUCTION: Communication occurs at various stages (even for one particular action), in numerous ways, and for most beings, as well as certain machines. Some, if not all fields of study, commit a part of attention to communication. So when speaking about communication, it is very crucial to be sure about what features of communication one is speaking about. Definitions of communication extend widely, some recognizing that animals can communicate with each other as well as individuals, and some are narrower, only including individuals within the limits of human symbolic interaction. Miscommunication is one particular case of a lack of alignment of individuals mental state, specifically one in which they diverge on the occurrence or results of communication. Communication is action, and thus miscommunication can be viewed as demands of action failure (when the spokesperson fails to generate the aimed result), misperception (when the audiences cannot distinguish what the spokesman intended to communicate), or both as Austin1962 noted. Miscommunication happens when one side does not communicate enough information to us, or we misinterpret the real meaning of their words. In either case, we get a different meaning of their words than they intended. With the arrival of e-mail and IM chat, this is a becoming a general problem currently because type-based communication is asynchronous communication, meaning that individuals do not communicate in actual time. Asynchronous communication does not allow for instant opinion response, based upon their typed words alone, our minds have to understand what the other person is saying. Miscommunication can also occur in any type of communication setting, although most common in typed-based communication. No communication or a lack of communication is another common type of miscommunication. 2.1 BODY: People are always afraid of the worst outcome. The mind will fill in the missing information with their own creative insight, which is often fear-based in miscommunication. For example a husband who is out late and forgets to call his wife. Because there is a lack of communication there, the wife begins to worry and her mind instantly switches to fear mode. Self-talk happens and it takes the figure of her own fears. Our minds will always assume the worst likely outcomes based on our worries and anxiety. 2.1.1 Factors Involved of Miscommunication in an Organization: Information Overload Too much information is as bad as too little because it decreases the audience capability to focus efficiently on the most important points. People facing information overload occasionally try to manage by disregarding some of the messages, by obstructing responses to messages they consider unimportant, by answering only parts of some messages, by responding incorrectly to certain messages or by taking less time with each message. Message Complexity You communicate both as an individual and as representative of an organization when formulating business messages. Thus you must modify your own ideas and style so that they are adequate to your employer. In fact, you may be asked frequently to write or state something that you disagree with individually. Suppose you work as a recruiter for your company. You have interviewed a job candidate, others in the firm have rejected this applicant but you believe he would make an excellent employee. Message Competition Conversationalists are often faced with messages that compete for concentration. Both messages are suitable to get short shrift if you are talking on the phone while scanning a report. Even your own messages may have to compete with a range of interruptions such as people intrusion, meetings are called, the phone rings every five minutes and a crisis erupts. In short, your messages infrequently have the benefit on the receivers complete attention. Differing Status Employees of lower rank may be too careful when sending messages to managers and may speak only about topics they think the manager is fascinated in. Likewise, higher rank people may twist messages by rejecting to consider anything that would incline to challenge their authority in the company. Also, belonging to a specific section or being responsible for a specific duty can narrow your opinion so that it differs from the manners, values, and expectations of individuals who belong to other divisions or who are liable for other tasks. Lack of Trust It is a difficult problem when building trust. Other establishment members dont know whether you will reply in a compassionate or liable way, so trusting can be dangerous. However without trust, free and open communication is efficiently blocked, affecting the companys steadiness. It is not enough just being clear in your communication. Inadequate Communication Structures Formal restrictions on who may communicate with whom and who is authorized to make decisions affects organizational communication. Designing too little proper stations blocks effective communication. Powerfully centralized organizations, particularly those with an extreme degree of formalization, lessen communication ability, and they reduce the affinity to communicate horizontally thus limiting the capability to synchronize performances and decisions. Incorrect Choice of Medium Your message can be distorted so that the intended meaning is blocked if you choose an inappropriate communication medium. You can select the most proper medium by corresponding your preference with the nature of the message and of the group or the individual who will receive it. Telephones and other interactive electronic media are not as rich, although they allow immediate feedback, they do not grant visual nonverbal signs such as facial expressions, eye contact and body movements. Physical distractions Communication barriers are aplenty but easy to remedy or avoid, like room temperature, weak acoustics, and unreadable copy. Even though noise or this type seems unimportant, it can completely obstruct an otherwise efficient message. Your receiver may also be distracted by an unpleasant chair, poor lighting, or some other annoying situation. In several cases, the barrier may be connected to the receivers wellbeing. Hearing or optical mutilation or even a headache can obstruct the signal of a message. 2.1.2 Ways to Prevent Miscommunication: Information overload We should realize that some information are not needed and make essential information effortlessly available. Provide relevant information and be as direct to the point as possible with the simplest of language. Avoid information that is not crucial. Message Complexity We should keep messages clear and easy to understand. Use strong organization, guide readers by telling them what to expect, use concrete and specific language, and stick to the point. Be sure to ask for feedback so that you can clarify and improve your message. Message Competition Prevent making hassles on a receiver who does not have the time to give careful consideration to your message. Create written messages visually pleasing and simple to understand, and make an effort to send them when your receiver has time to read them. Oral messages are generally helpful when you can talk directly to your receiver (rather than to mediators or answering machines). Differing Status Strive to ensure supervisors and colleagues are well knowledgeable. Persuade lower position employees to keep you informed by being reasonable and courteous of their views. When you have information that you think that your superior might not like, be courageous and express it anyway. Position barriers can be conquered by a motivation to produce and collect bad news. Lack of Trust Be noticeable and available. Do not shield yourself behind associates or secretaries. Give key information to colleagues and employees, communicate truthfully, and incorporate employees in assessment making. For communication to be triumphant, companies must generate an ambience of equality and trust. Inadequate Communication Structures Propose more avenues for communicating, both formally and informally like using platforms such as employee evaluations, open-door procedures, newsletters, memo, and mission groups. Aim to decrease chain of command levels, increase synchronization between sections, and persuade two-way communication. Incorrect Choice of Medium Select the wealthiest media for no standard, complicated message. Use rich media to expand and to civilize your existence throughout the organization, to communicate thoughtfully and personally to employees, and to achieve employee devotion to organizational objectives. Utilize slender media to communicate easy, regular messages. Physical distractions Strive to organize properly written documents which are plain, brief, and complete. When organizing verbal presentations try to obtain a setting which authorizes audience to see and listen to the presenter clearly. 2.2 CONCLUSION: I therefore conclude that having a good communication in the organization is the crucial way to improve the organization itself. People always fear the worst outcome before communicating with their superiors in the organization. When we are faced with miscommunication, we must keep our minds open to additional possibilities without adopting a certain truth about the other person until we know exactly what they mean or think. How can this be accomplished? Well, your fears and assumptions will automatically kick in. There is no way to fend against that because that is how our minds are wired. Instead of adopting those assumptions as the truth however, simply acknowledge those assumptions as one possibility out of a number of possibilities. List other possibilities with your assumptions and acknowledge them all without judging or evaluating them. Simply tell yourself, These are all possible, but we do not know the truth yet, so I will not lock myself into any one of them. By keeping you r mind open to additional possibilities, you can break the assumption triangle and prevent miscommunication conflict from happening. By doing all these we can prevent miscommunication. It is up to us how we communicate with others. If we finally overcome our fear, it will help us accomplish our goals in life. 3.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.) Unknown Author, Communication, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, viewed on 2nd October 2010, 2.) Lewis,G., Slade, C., 1994, Critical Communication, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, Australia 3.) Taylor, S., 1999, Communication for Business, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Limited, United States of America 4.) 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